At 36 years old, Jennifer had it all – a growing practice, 3 excellent employees and a beautiful suite in a new medical complex. Having spent considerable time planning her future, she also had everything in place to save and manage her money tax efficiently, and she still owned the individual disability policy she has had since residency.
30 is a divisive number. To the young, it’s the time when you’re thrust into full blown adulthood, whether you’re ready or not. To the young at heart, 30 may be considered the early years before your true confidence shines, in your career, in your relationships, or even in yourself. Either way, your 30s are an incredible age when you’re comfortable with a bright future ahead.
Miles McDannald |
It’s that time again - the end of a fiscal year and that means tax season is just around the corner. With each passing filing it seems as though young professionals are turning their backs on financial professionals such as accountants, investors, and advisors, and turning to the technological solutions.
Miles McDannald |
Nearly every day, we’re told that saving is the key to financial success. But for many, living paycheck to paycheck isn’t just unavoidable but a reality faced every month. But there is hope, and there are many easy to use tools to help you make your financial goals a reality.
In the wake of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, two of the worst storms to make landfall in the U.S., the fate of thousands of homeowners is still up in the air. So, it may seem a bit trivial to point out that the storms also destroyed thousands of luxury and classic cars.
Miles McDannald |
We’re all familiar with fitness fanatics, raving about life changing workouts guaranteed to get you into tip top shape. While there is a new fitness craze in the air, it’s time to exercise your wallet. Financial Fitness is a set of goals or programs to help you identify your financial goals, and how to get in the best financial shape of your life.
Millennials get a bad rep. Too often does the media say that they’re lazy, unmotivated to work hard, and frivolous with their spending habits. On a weekly basis, absurd articles pop up criticizing lifestyles, going as far as saying that buying avocado toast is the reason so many can’t afford a house… Ridiculous, right?