When most people think about life insurance, it is something to be purchased when we’re young with financial responsibilities and dependents to protect. Any discussion about purchasing life insurance after we retire is often met with strong opinions as to whether or not it makes any financial sense. After all, the cost of life insurance increases significantly over the age of 65.
World travel, both for business and pleasure, is on the rise again and with it the risk exposures for travelers. Liabilities and risks that most people typically cover with a typical homeowner’s policy or travel benefits from their credit card companies are multiplied when traveling the globe.
Miles McDannald |
Summer’s finally here. The sun is out, it’s warm, the days are longer, and your worries seem just a little bit further away. But folks, I’m sorry to say, sometimes storms roll in on the sunniest of days.
Miles McDannald |
If you’re a fan of political dramas on televisions, you’ll know that the turbulent world of politics has an affect on the global financial markets. But what about in real life? How much does art - if you can call shows like Scandal, Veep, and House of Cards art - imitate life, and vice versa?
Miles McDannald |
Anyone who has ever rented a car knows that cringing feeling that comes up when the rental agent asks whether you want to purchase rental car insurance. It’s made worse when the agent goes into a pitch about how most people’s auto insurance won’t cover all of the costs incurred should the car be damaged or stolen.
If you’re just starting to take charge of your financial future, it can be stressful approaching financial planning with confidence. Do you ever talk to your bank or financial manager and think that they’re speaking a foreign language?
Miles McDannald |
Remember your mid-twenties when retirement seemed like a lifetime away, and living paycheck to paycheck was not only the norm, but your reality. ‘If only I knew then what I know now’ can be heard echoing throughout offices in banks around the country.
Miles McDannald |
The purchase of life insurance is typically triggered by a life event, such as marriage, the birth of a child, a home purchase or a job promotion. So, it is not uncommon for many people to change their life insurance coverage three or four or even eight times throughout their lifetime.
Miles McDannald |
In a few short years, it seems as though the banking industry has revolutionized. It is now easier (and more convenient than ever) to tend to your banking needs, all from the comforts of your pyjamas. Gone are the notions of banking hours, and the never ending lineups when you want to deposit your paycheck.